For last one week, I have been on a mission. Mission Impossible?!
I am trying to make my house "cockroach-free" This apt that I got for myself in Blr, is a brand new one, but already infested with many small-time cockroaches. Unfortunately, all my attempts have been futile till now. One Sunday evening after investing my whole weekend, I thought I have killed every damn creature, next day the manic monday morning, from one corner a tiny one appears, looks at me and waves its antenna as if to say a hello, crudely reminding me " cockroaches can survive nuclear explosions, who the hell am I?" ! In Pune, I had innumerable count of ants attacking anything edible that they came across, i thought they were only interested in sweets, but I guess they can suck glucose from a spicy morsel of Haldiram Bhujiya, afterall they are Indian pests! When we lived in Jaipur, houseflies used to plan strategies to ruin our lunches every summer afternoon, may be the armies of the world can pick up a trick or two. In Calcutta, I was attacked countless times by the mosquitoes, they successfully injected the malarial parasite three times into me, leaving me frail and weak..and my home in Allahabad, has been invaded a number of times with those "homely" rodents, as if some Piped Piper was playing and showing them the way in.
I wonder why these creatures want to live so close to the vicinity of human beings, we Indians feed them well, as we have a "good" habit of throwing waste anywhere, besides its designated place allocated by the municipality, on the roads, on the footpaths, in the parks, in the staircases of our shopping malls, infront of our next door neighbour's house, or in the current apartment system - throw everything out from the balcony and Newton's gravitational pull doing rest of the job. These living creatures have so many places to feed or overload their tiny stomach, why do they need to intrude our households and then getting themselves killed in the bargain for good food? Live happily by feeding on our wastes. Spare the already tired, exhuasted, overworked homo sapiens alone! Huh, are these creatures listening? Perhaps they never would! I read up somewhere, the wealthy neighbourhood of Beverly Hills saw some rodent attacks recently, then why will they exit from a household of a urban middle class family from the third world nation err..a developing nation.