Saturday, October 18, 2008

A Long Long Break from Blogs

Well, quite a long break indeed. And what's worth noting, the last blog that I wrote after reaching SLC, ended writing "I do not expect much momentum in the work front..have to somehow get these days over and hit back home, if possible within two weeks!?!? "
And its only me and some around me who know what I did for the last 6-7 weeks before retuning to India. Its been the longest period extended hours of work in my professional career where I put in 20 hrs a day! I have worked like crazy earlier too, but for a period for 6-7 weeks has been quite taxing. I did not even dream of work as I have done in my earlier assignments, as I hardly slept. There were so many times when I had not slept for 40 hours at a stretch. I wish I had studied so least would have helped me with better grades :)
In SLC, I managed knowing my hotel room, 2 office buildings of O.C. Tanner and the Sugarhouse Park besides one 'half day' trip to downtown to catch a movie in iMAX. Despite having such a hectic and crazy schedule, a schedule that hardly gave me time for myself, this trip to the the "mecca of capatalism" has helped me to break a lot of perceptions, which I had developed in my last 6 visits to the country. I think it has more to do with the culture of the city and the State, Utah has been ranked among the top 10 places in the world worth living.
One of the biggest perceptions that took a U turn, I had never met or seen people in US who actually looked fwd to spend time with their family, taking care of old parents, I had never seen in US a grandchild and grandparents holding hands and walking down the pathway. In a world were we are loosing values of a family life, even in Asian families, its suprising to see such people. In a world, countries like India are becoming aggressively capitalist and people of our generation being called the "fatafat generation", who are alwys in a hurry, it is nice to see that family does form some part of their daily life.
Well for work I would be back to SLC soon, and I accept, I look fwd for my second visit to the city. But I hope I get to see more of SLC this time than the two offices and the hotel room.